Thursday, February 27, 2014

And in the end everything falls apart. simple as that. technically, what I hoped for was different. From the start, he didn't want me to wait. But I waited. He didn't want me to put hope. But I did. He just wanted a friend. and I was a good friend to him at the start. and slowly I thought that there could be a relationship. That's when it all fall apart. Nothing was declared. That was the mistake. But I guess I had to make it clear, because I don't want to go on mopping. and know that he actually didn't want anything.

In the end, we are still young. He did say, who knows if I may end up with you. He cares. Yes. But work is priority to him now. And so should my studies be.

Yes, I lost a person that was always beside me. I lost a person that always supported me. I lost a person that always gave me a reason to have a happy morning.

But then I shouldn't put all the responsibility on him. I shouldn't blame everything on him. I shouldn't burden him. That's life. People change. Their perspective change. We did crossed path. I just can only hope now, that we will cross path again one day.

So now since everything has been said. Everything has been cleared. There's no reason to constantly wait for him to msg. or wait for him to call. because he wont do that. I know he wouldn't do that.

Yeah, that's life. deal with it.

I guess this is when the intersection of the line takes place.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

end of third semester

its almost the end of my semester break. This is my first time thinking that I was very unproductive during the holidays. This may be due to the effect if my sister and friend. Technically, both of them are alike in a sense they think too much. Apart from that, my friend is always involved in projects that will generate an income for him.

There was a pang of jealousy sometimes when he tells me his experience. Basically, I miss that passion. I know I once had that kind of passion. When I was in secondary school, I won a medal for the school before for a taekwondo competition. Now, I regret not going forward with taekwondo in my university. The excused before this were because I had no transport and no time. But as of next semester I will try my best to make it a reality to actually go to the taekwondo class.

I think that was the missing puzzle. I hope I'm right. because if not I would have to think of another solution.

And also I have to complete my exam P and few other actuarial exams before I graduate. LORD! I hope I can make it .

So, to all the people out there who are on their semester break and feeling bad because they are lazing around, my advice is, its okay if you are lazing around. You worked hard for the whole 6 months man. You won't be getting this long breaks when you are working anymore. But saying that, I think its time for me to use my semester  break by going out more after this, because being locked up at home is depressing. Hey! I had enough semester breaks before this. So, I have enough memories of me lazing off to treasure.

On a serious note, for those of you who are inspired to get a good body but could not afford the time and cash to hit the gym, I suggest a few home videos for you guys to check out.

1)Jillian Michaels 30 Days Shred
2)Jillian Michaels Get Ripped In 30
3)Jillian Michaels 6 weeks 6 packs
4)Insanity (currently doing)

Have a good month guys